Who We Are

St Peter Claver Prison Ministry is a faith-based mentorship program empowering the incarcerated, ex-offenders and their families obtain self-sufficiency and reduce recidivism. We are a Special Conference of the St Vincent DePaul Society serving Central Florida. Our goal is to provide the resources, guidance, and encouragement needed to vulnerable adults in order for them to reach their God-given potential.

Foundational support provides essential resources, spiritual guidance, and mentorship to help incarcerated individuals and their families navigate the challenges of prison life and reintegration.

Focused on successful reentry, with job readiness, life skills training, and spiritual support to help individuals build a positive future after incarceration.

Dedicated to offering a path of restoration and healing for incarcerated individuals seeking a fresh chapter in their lives. Providing spiritual guidance, emotional support, and practical resources to help participants transform their lives.

Forgiveness promotes healing and reconciliation through counseling and workshops focused on forgiveness, enabling individuals to confront their past and embrace a hopeful future with a renewed sense of purpose.

Support is vital, providing emotional and practical resources, helping incarcerated individuals and their families overcome challenges, and build stronger connections during and after incarceration.

Grounded in the belief that every person deserves dignity and a second chance, acceptance creates a welcoming environment where incarcerated individuals are supported and valued, promoting personal growth and inclusion through faith-based programs and community outreach.

0 %

of our returning citizens are fully employed and in permanent housing


current prisoners being mentored

$ 0

our annual cost per prisoner to feed, clothe, house and counsel

Ready to get involved?

Lets talk about ways you can help!